Techno Marine

ProductsCommunication ElectronicsAntennas
PACIFIC AERIALS P6001 Whip VHF antenna

PACIFIC AERIALS P6001 Whip VHF antenna


P6001 – VHF 1.0M STAINLESS STEEL ANTENNA 1.0m stainless steel whip antenna with SO239 socket and mounting bracket. Use with a SeaMaster cable pack complete with connectors and weatherseal. A robust half wave built in an ABS housing this antenna delivers outstanding performance. The first choice for an installation where the lowest possible windage is a requirement.


Frequency VHF 156-162 MHz
Antenna Whip Stainless Steel
Ferrule ABS
Antenna Type Half Wave
Gain 3dBi
“Marine Gain” 6dB
Typical VSWR at 156.8 MHz 1.2:1
DC Meter Reading Open Circuit
Height 1.0m

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