Techno Marine

Refurbishment of Fibreglass Lifeboat


Refurbishment of Fibreglass Lifeboat

 Our lifeboat team is tasked with the renewal of an enclosed fiberglass lifeboat, and have it put back to service.


Here is a summary of the procedure:-


  1. Lifeboat exterior is given a fresh coat of paint after fiberglass and engine repairs have been completed.
  2. Care is taken to ensure that every inch of detail is covered.
  3. New grab lines and grab buoys were installed
  4. Hatches, electrical system, and all lifeboat equipment were checked and renewed
  5. The final touches:
    Reflective tapes fixed all round. Vessel name and port of registry stencilled on both sides.
  6. Lifting operations underway. Lifeboat secured and delivered back to shipyard.